
Sadiq H. ZaidiBop

Sadiq Zaidi is an international consultant with over 40 years of private and public sector experience in the fields of energy and the environment in emerging markets. He is based in Princeton, NJ.

Zaidi has worked extensively in a number of energy sub-sectors including Renewable Energy Development, Electricity, Hydropower and Hydrocarbon Development and Production (oil, natural gas, and coal). He also has expertise in environmental protection, energy conservation, energy transmission and distribution, and sustainable energy development.

From 1980 to 2001, Zaidi worked at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila, Philippines culminating in the role of Head, Energy Sector Operations for East Asia and South Asia. His duties included project design and management; project finance of infrastructure and technology development; developing and analyzing legal and regulatory frameworks for energy development and environmental improvement; creating institutional strengthening and capacity building programs for governments; advising and negotiating with top government officials and private investors on energy sector restructuring, and investing; developing and implementing privatization and market-driven energy sector restructuring plans; establishing frameworks for cross-border energy trade; and handling complex multi-party negotiations and transactions.

While at ADB, Zaidi was responsible for over 50 major energy and environment projects and corresponding loans totaling over $2.5 billion. His country experience included extensive engagements in China, India, and Pakistan, as well as work in Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. Representative projects include:

• working with the Indian Government to develop renewable energy sources in conjunction with the private sector and providing a $133m loan to this end;

• formulating Pakistan’s Energy Sector restructuring and privatization plan in partnership with the government and providing a $350m loan to implement the plan;

• improving the environment in 52 of China’s most polluted cities through policy reforms and transitioning to energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies; and

• formulating the Indonesian government’s long-term national strategy for oil and natural gas exploration and development.

Prior to ADB, Zaidi was a regional Chief Engineer at the International Nickel Company (INCO) in Canada, where he was responsible for the complete engineering and financial operations of 3 of INCO’s 10 mines in Ontario. Zaidi holds a B.Sc. in Engineering from Imperial College, University of London.

During the past 7 years, in private consulting practice, Zaidi has been retained on numerous assignments, including:

• Serving as a lead consulting project manager on the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Development Project in Laos, a $1.5 B, 1100MW dam financed by several multilateral organizations and a consortium of major private investors.

• Undertaking a strategic review of the Mongolia’s energy sector.

• Assisting the ADB and the Government of Pakistan in developing a US$10 billion hydropower project and in raising these funds from capital markets and other strategic investors.

• Developed a “10 Year Energy Sector Investment Plan” for Clean Energy for the Government of Indonesia to address climate change issues through renewable energy, through working with the Ministries of Finance, Enegry and Mineral Resources, National Development Agency, National Energy Council, NGOs, multilateral and bilateral donors, and other.

• Assisted in developing the Energy section of the Government of Indonesia’s 5-year plan (2010-2014).

• Consulted to the Governments of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic, preparing a comprehensive Energy Sector Analysis for each of these countries covering Policy, Strategy, Development framework, assessing energy infrastructure needs and financing options, and providing recommendations on sector reforms with detailed coverage on tariff structure, and joint private- public partnership in energy infrastructure development.

• Preparation and development of a $1.5 billion, 800 MW CCGT power plant in Uzbekistan financed by ADB, World Bank, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

• Preparation for financing by ADB of a $130 million loan to the Republic of Tajikistan for the energy infrastructure rehabilitation and expansion of its national transmission system for overall system improvement and for evacuation of power to Afghanistan.


Lucy FangLucy Fang

Lucy Fang serves as Director of Operations for Renaissance Energy Consultants.  Her prior professional experience includes managing business operations for Fuz, an eco-friendly product design firm, and work as a project architect, both independently and as part of firms in Berkeley (Donlyn Lyndon) and Boston (Ruhl Walker). She has received architecture degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BSc) and University of California-Berkeley (MSc), and received department awards at both schools for her designs. She has done extensive work on energy-efficient and environment-friendly planning and construction, including sustainable housing projects in Beijing and Shanghai, China and earthquake relief community housing developments in Turkey.


Naveed KhaliqNaveed

Naveed Khaliq is a seasoned management consultant, focusing on organizational optimization and cultural management techniques in South Asia. In this capacity, Ms. Khaliq serves as the lead day-to-day project manager on several Renaissance Energy Consultants projects, coordinating project activities and leading local resource coordination.  Prior to her time at REC, Ms. Khaliq served as Chief Operating Officer at Space Age Group, a management consultancy and outsourcing management group based in Lahore, Pakistan. In this capacity, Ms. Khaliq procured all local resources, and managed the firm’s mission-critical business operations.  Ms. Khaliq has extensive background in corporate development and training, and has conducted numerous training workshops for corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions in South Asia. She also serves as a chief Business Management Trainer at the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry.   Ms. Khaliq is a registered member of the US-based Project Management Institute, and has certification as a Project Management Professional.